Friday, 27 January 2012

Toyota wants to help Japan's aging population with machines than can help people move around with a leg brace and a personal transporter.

The Walk Assist  Robot is made of carbon fiber-reinforced plastic and attaches to the legs of patients who have suffered paralysis to help them walk.
Weighing 7.7 pounds, the device has a position sensor on the thigh area, a pressure sensor on the sole, and a knee actuator that moves the brace based on data from the sensors.
A timing-lock mechanism ensures that the brace doesn't bend when the foot is planted. The device can also be used for physiotherapy when patients are relearning to walk, according to Toyota.
If the Walk Assist Robot looks like part of Cyberdyne's HAL robot suit, then Toyota's Care Assist Robot takes a page from Riken's Ribaperson mover.
The Care Assist Robot doesn't look like a giant teddy bear, but it's also designed to help reduce the burden on caregivers who have to move bedridden patients.
The wheelchair-like device has a power-assist dolly that can move people to and from a bed, as well as the bathroom and other nearby destinations. As with Riba, a human caregiver is still required to help guide the machine.
The caregiver guides a large arm that supports the patient, taking the weight off his or her back.
"The patient's stress, burden and anxiety is reduced by being gently enveloped in the holding device," Toyota says.
Another device under development is the Balance Practice Assist. It's basically a two-wheeled Segway-like stand that can help people with balance problems.
Users stand on the machine and play sports video games on a screen in front of them while trying to keep their balance. Naturally, a caregiver has to stand by just in case.
Toyota hopes to release the machines in 2013 at the earliest.

* To make the restaurant more interesting, they cooperate with Bangkok University are developing the waitress robot that not only served as a reception area and order.
* A robot that uses the operating system is able to deliver food and also clean the table.
* can eliminate staff and reduce cost of paying employees salaries 

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Mitsubishi RH, RP and RV model robots


1.      With the use of robot technology, the manufacturing industry can reduce the costs. For example give skill training for employees who are still new in the industry.

2.      Besides that, this technology can also increase productivity industry. For example, we can reduce damages goods.

3.      More efficient use of robots from using labor as the use of robots in the manufacturing industry to achieve the target set within a certain time based on consumer demand.

4.      The conclusion is, the use of robot technology can reduce costs, increases the profit of company and also the productivity move smoothly.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Personality Test - Which one you do first?

There are five things happened simultaneously.

1.Air boil my kitchen.  2.Air my toilet overflow pipe.    3.Baby crying.                                                                                                                                     4.Telephone sounds.  5. Some people knock the door.If you are given a choice, what are you going to Settle 's on first?

You are required to organize the 1 ~ 5 of the order of importance and priority you think. All these matters must be resolved. Lists follow the things that you think is more important to tackle first. Imagine that you are experiencing such circumstances right now. Think and consider, what arethe things you will finish according to your preferences.
Want to know the hidden facts behind your answer?
Good, let's check your answers ... 
What features / properties / main things you are concerned in selecting your partner.
READ SIDE TABLE YG CHOOSE you.                                                                                                       
* If you choose to close the water boiling : indicates you concerned about the safety and ability to 'the he' to guide you.* If you choose to close the overflow of water taps in the bathroom: a signconcerned with wealth, money and property.
* If you choose to appease a crying baby: a sign concerned with love and affection.

* If you choose to take the phone rang: a sign concerned with morality,courtesy and behavior of your partner.

* If you choose to open the door: a sign concerned with appearance, the external physical and personality of your partner.

Personality Secrets Self Self-by date of birth

12 April 1974
12 + 4 + 1974 = 1990
1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 19
1 + 9 = 10
1 + 0 = 1 (so the birth number is 1)

Evidence of birth numbers

1. Genuineness
- Present new ideas.- Having things their own way.- They are extremely honest and do well to learn some diplomacy skills.- They like to take the initiative and like to be the best and Usually the leader or boss.Self-Employed is their best option.
Lesson to learn: The ideas and opinions of others may be as good or better. Open minded.

2. Conciliator
- The born diplomats.- They often think of and sensitive to the needs and feelings of others before themselves.- Naturally analytical and very intuitive.- They do not like to be alone.-Friendship is important to them and can lead them to succeed in life, but they'd rather be alone if the relationship is not compatible.- Being naturally shy they should learn to boost their self (self esteem) and talk about their feelings openly, without hiding

3. Cheerful
- They are very creative, social, friendly, romantic and easy to negotiate.- They start many things, but do not always see them.- They like others to be happy and willing to do anything to achieve it.- They are very popular and idealistic.- They should learn to look more realistic.

4. Conservative
- They are very sensitive and traditional.- They like order and routine.- They only act when they fully understand what they are doing.- They like to work hard and dirty piece of work alone.- They are attracted to the outdoors and feel an affinity with nature.- They are prepared to be patient, persistent, and sometimes be stubborn.- They have to learn to be more feksibel and attitude toward self better.

5. Pilot
- They are the pioneers.- Their natural curiosity, risk taking, and enthusiasm (enthusiasm).- They need variety and do not like being blocked.- The world is their school and they look for every opportunity to learn something from every situation.- The question of who was playing mind they never stopped.- They are well advised to look carefully and get all the facts before jumping to conclusions.

6. Romantic
- They are idealistic and need a reason to be happy.- A strong family connection is important to them.- Their feelings influence their decisions.- They like to help and care for someone.- They are very loyal and make great teachers.- They like art or music.- They make loyal friends who take the friendship seriously.- They have to learn what can be changed and what can not be diubahnya.

7. Intellectual
-Are the searchers. Always probing for hidden information, they find it difficult to accept things easily. -Their feelings influence their decisions.- They like to question everything in life, but they do not like to be questioned.- They are often known as a philosopher and very knowledgeable, and sometimes alone.- They love things that technically and capable of being a good researcher in resolving a matter.- They like secrets.- They live in their own world and should learn to accept the reality of the real world.

8. Solution
- They are the problem solvers.- They are professional, honest, good evaluators and are decisive.- They have grand plans and like to live the good life.- They are take charge people. They view people objectively.- They let their own way that they are the boss.- They should learn to make decisions based on their own needs than on the needs of others.

9. Actor- They have the ability to entertain others.- They are very caring and generous.- With their charm, they have no problem making friends with anyone and they do not have anybody who is a stranger to them.- They have so many different personalities that people around them to understand them.- They are like chameleons, ever changing and blending.- They have tremendous luck, but also can suffer from extremes in fortune and mood (mood).- To be successful they need to build a loving foundation

find youe success secret!

choose the statement that sound like you, then learn how your strenght can help you rock the world!

a) you send him flirtly texts every couple of days until he definitely knows you're into him!
b) you pay attention to the signals a guy gives off, so when you find the right one for you, everything clicks!
c)you buy a bunch of tickets to a concert , then ask him to come along with you and your friends

a) as soons as a test is announced, you make flashcards, then quiz your self a bit each night to prepare.
b) you tune in to what the teacher emphasizes in class, so you know what to focus on when you stdy before the exam.
c) you get creative , like making your final project a video report. its fun, different and shows you know your stuff!

a) you spend an hour trying on everything in your closet until ypur find the prefect cite top- hot jeans- cool shoes combo
b) you spot a great belt at the mall and just know it will look awesome cinched around your tunic top from last month!
c) you try something fierce- like cutting the sleeves off your little denim jacket and wearing it as a vest

if you answered

mostly A
how it helps you kick butt: you'll do everythingit requires to get what you want, you love the adrenaline rush of giving it your alll-and that dedication will take you far. but if it feels like your hard work isn't paying off, don't be afraid to turn to others for advise. a new approach can be the fastest way to gain momentum!

mostly B
you just know when you have a great idea, and you get ahead because you're willing to act on your intuition-even when others don't see what's so awesome about your plans, (they will) so, if doubters start to get you down keep up your enthusiasm by remembering your pasr successes.

mostly C
you get a thrill from trying new thing, and it's a bonus when one of your bold moves pays off. your fearlessness will get you noticed in lifenot every girl is as daring as you! but make sure you're not doing just to get in the spotlight that will attract negative attention.

who's deciding what?

It's one thing to influence your outfits but another to pave out your dating patterns. Try this quiz ti figure out who's deciding on your love life.

1) when you are deciding on date ideas who do you consult?
    a) my guy of course!
    b) my friend
    c) google

2) your group of friends seem to be all single or all the same time!
    a) true
    b) false
    c) sometimes

3) ______ is  usually the swinging vote in deciding if i should talk to my crush
     a) my friend
     b) my inner conscience
     c) my heart

4) cool is ....
     a) what my friend think
     b) what most people believe
     c) what i make of it

5) my boyfriend and i fight over...
    a) how he dresses
    b) things he says
    c) where to eat

6) friends and decision go together like...
   a) peanut butter and jam; totally mixed up
   b) mili and oreos; they work on their own to!
   c) brocoli and chocolate; they're worlds apart!

7) i conflide in my friends like
   a) blair and serena
   b) mercedes with kurt
   c) elena with bonnie

8) your friend tells you about her fantastic date! you...
   a) visit the same restaurant she did
   b) aim for the fantastic date to
   c) congratulate her

9) if my gut feeling does't comply with my friend's ideas. i will...
   a) go with her insight
   b) think it over some more
   c) go with my gut!

10) friendships and relationships are meant to be
     a) always on the same page
     b) at best civil
     c) totally separate entities

if you answered

mostly A
it seems like you're not really making choices for yourself but rather ones that your friends approv of! there;s nothing wrong in seeking apinions and advice but when you no longer have your own stands... it's a worry!  you'reliving your love life very dangerously on mere peer pressure and we reckon it's about time to evaluate what you want for yourself.

mostly B
you're got it right in the pocket! you look to your friend for guidance but ultimately you know that you're in charge of your own destiny. your relationship ultimately involves you and your other half not your entire group of friends. keep up the good work! just remember to not alienate your friends or become too cocky either.

mostly C
while we applaud your independent ways, you need to completey ignore anyone else's advise could mean you never see a different point of view. your friends may also have a good insight because they know you and sometimes it's hard to have an objective outlook when you're in the situation, so give their opinions some thought...then decide.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

MGT 300- Past year question
Chapter 3 : Measuring The Success of Strategic Initiatives  

OCT. 2010

2. Effectiveness Information Technology (IT) metrics include throughput, speed and
availability. FALSE 

8. Performance measures how quickly a system performs a certain process or
transaction in terms of efficiency IT metrics of both speed and throughput. TRUE


5. Which of the following is not a type of efficiency IT metric?
A. Speed
B. Availability
C. Usability
D. Throughput

MGT 300- Past year question
Chapter 3: Measuring the Success of Strategic Initiatives  

OCT. 2009
4. Benchmarks are baseline value the system seeks to attain.    TRUE

2. Which of the following is an organizational result from an effective and efficient supply chain management system?

A. Decrease the power of its buyers
B. Create entry barriers thereby reducing the threat of new entrants
C. Increase efficiencies while seeking a competitive advantage through cost leadership
D. All of the above

3. Which of the following metrics help managers measure and manage strategic initiatives?

A. Web site metrics
B. Web site metrics, SCM metrics, Supply Chain Relationship (SCR) metrics, and    Re-engineering Business Process (RBP) metrics
C. Web site metrics, SCM metrics, CRM metrics, Business Process Reengineering (BPR) metrics, and ERP metrics
D. Web site metrics, SCM metrics, balanced scorecard metrics


Question 2
a)    Define effectiveness IT metrics.   ( 4 marks )
Effectiveness IT metrics focus on an organization’s goals, strategies, objectives and include usability, customer satisfaction, conversion rates, and financial metrics. Ideally, an organization wants to operate with significant increases in both efficiency and effectiveness.

b)    Describe the four (4) types of effectives IT metrics.  (16 marks )

·       Throughput: the amount of information that can travel through a system at any point.

·       Transaction speed: the amount of time a system takes to perform a transaction

·       System availability: the number of hours a system is available for users

·       Response time: the time it takes to respond to user interactions such as a mouse click.

OCT. 2010
7. Efficiency and effectiveness metrics are two primary types of IT metrics. TRUE
8. Measuring the amount of Web site traffic is the best way to determine a Web sites success. TRUE
7. What type of metrics measure throughput, speed, and availability?

A. Efficiency IT metrics.
B. Effectiveness IT metrics.
C. All of the above.
D. None of the above.

8. Which of the following is not an example of information system metrics?

A. Baseline metrics.
B. Business Process Reengineering (BPR) metrics.
C. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) metrics.
D. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) metrics.